Download the
UCSD Wireless/Microsoft Official Certificate Authority
signing certificate

You are about to download the Official UCSD Wireless Network Certificate Authority (CA) signing certificate. After download, you may choose to add this certificate to your browser's collection of trusted certificates.

A large number of trusted authentication certificates are included with every browser installation, but it is not likely that the UCSD Wireless Network Certificate Authority is among them, as it is little used outside the University.

Adding the UCSD Wireless CA signing certificate to your certificate cache and setting it to be trusted for wireless authentication will tell your system to allow connections to the UCSD wireless network.

To load the certificate using most browsers, select this link.

Most browsers will guide you through the process of installing this certificate. What needs to be done is to add the certificate to the list of signing authorities your system already recognizes.

You will then need to indicate that the newly added CA root certificate should be trusted for 802.1x or wireless authentication.